Table 1. Literature review of endovascular management.
Author | Year | Country | Gender/age (years) | PL | Operation | Survival time |
Ramjee (16) | 2009 | America | Male/68 | DTA | TEVAR | 4 months; dead |
Rusthoven (14) | 2010 | America | Male/79 | DAA | Carotid-subclavian bypass and TEVAR | 10 months; alive |
Ugurlucan (15) | 2014 | Turkey | Female/73 | DTA | Embolectomy and TEVAR | – |
Peinado Cebrian (18) | 2014 | Spain | Male/62 | DTA | TEVAR | 8 months; dead |
Piffaretti (17) | 2017 | Italy | Male/75 | DTA | TEVAR + open thrombectomy | 1 month; dead |
Ye (19) | 2017 | China | Female/35 | AA | TEVAR with scallop | 2 months; dead |
Our case | 2018 | China | Male/56 | DAA | TEVAR; axillary-bifemoral bypass | 37 months; dead |
DTA, descending thoracic aorta; DAA, distal aorta arch; AA, abdominal aorta; PL, pathology location; TEVAR, thoracic endovascular aortic repair.