Cell-surface expression of CaVα2δ1
Stable HEKT CaVβ3 cells were transiently transfected simultaneously with 4 μg of pCMV-CaV1.2 and 4 μg of pmCherry-CaVα2δ1 HA WT or mutants. Flow cytometry was used to determine the proportion of CaVα2δ1 proteins expressed at the cell surface as reported in the “intact cells” column, whereas the “permeabilized cells” column represent the total expression level. Fluorescence intensity was estimated using FlowJo software® as detailed elsewhere (39). The relative cell-surface expression of CaVα2δ1-HA constructs was estimated by calculating the ratio of the ΔMedFI for the FITC fluorophore over ΔMedFI values quantified for the FITC fluorophore for the WT construct (ΔMedFI mutant/ΔMedFI WT) in intact nonpermeabilized cells for the experiments carried out the same day under the same conditions. The relative total expression of CaVα2δ1 constructs was estimated by calculating the ratio of the ΔMedFI values quantified for the FITC fluorophore over ΔMedFI values quantified for the FITC fluorophore for the WT construct after cell permeabilization. These ratios are expressed herein as a percentage. The total number of experiments is provided in parentheses, with each experiment being the result of a different transfection in a separate cell dish (>10,000 cells). Statistical analysis was carried out against the ΔMedFI for FITC measured with pmCherry-CaVα2δ1-HA WT. *, p < 0.05, and **, p < 0.001.