TRIM24 SUMOylation regulates cell adhesion genes.
A, Western blotting showing TRIM24 knockdown in MCF7 shTRIM24 cells and re-expression of FLAG-TRIM24 WT or SUMO mutant (DM) in shTRIM24 cells. B, ectopic expression of TRIM24 WT or DM in shTRIM24 cells partially rescues the proliferation defect. Shown is quantification of cell numbers from three replicates. Error bars, S.D. C, heat map showing significantly down-regulated (blue) or up-regulated (red) genes between TRIM24 WT and DM-expressing cells. D, gene ontology analysis performed using the DAVID online tool shows enrichment of cell adhesion– and ECM–related pathways. E, heat map showing differentially expressed cell adhesion–related genes between TRIM24 WT and DM-expressing cells. F, gene ontology analysis performed for DM_Up (top) and DM_Down (bottom) genes using the DAVID online tool. G, RT-PCR validation of randomly selected cell adhesion-related genes shown in E.