LC-MS/MS analysis of recombinant protein of influenza NP incubated with PCAF and GCN5 in vitro.
A–D, base peak, ion chromatogram for a 12-min separation of the digested NP peptides containing Lys-31 (A) and Lys-184 (B) acetylated by PCAF and that contained Lys-90 (C) and Lys-184 (D) acetylated by GCN5. The elution time and representative m/z of the eluted peptides are indicated at the top of each peak. Formulas to calculate the molecular weights of acetylated lysine residues were shown in each panel. The observed y and b ions and fragment map are shown. K31, Lys-31; K90, Lys-90; K184, Lys-184.