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. 2018 May 14;4:15. doi: 10.1186/s40900-018-0098-y
Timing Contribution
During development of grant application Confirmed relevance of intervention to their concerns. Strengthened emphasis on co-ordination of care
Dec 2013 Agreed on acceptable terms to be used:
‘Several long lasting health problems’ instead of co-morbid or multimorbidity
‘Patient’ and ‘intervention’ were acceptable
‘New approach’ also acceptable so long as not abbreviated to NA
Jan/March 2014 Insisted that patients lacking capacity to consent and carers should also be included in study.
March 2014 Voted on study logo design and strapline for trial
March 2014 Highlighted the importance of confidentiality of patient health data, particularly in the use of an external software company.
June–Sept 2014 Advised on formatting and wording of patient questionnaire and instigated changes to list of conditions and some wording. Additional introductory sentences were added on the front page of the questionnaire to express appreciation of participants’ contribution in completing it. A comments box was deemed necessary.
June 2014 Advised on formatting (1 column instead of multiple newpaper style columns) and wording of patient information sheet and invitation letter. Emphasised need for large fonts sizes and alternative formats for those with impaired vision.
June 2014 Advised on how to help the process of booking longer appointments. Suggested words or scripts for receptionist. Members volunteered to help role-play such scripts.
Advised on wording of the 3D card to state ‘My usual GP is:…’ instead of ‘Your usual GP is…’
July–Aug 2014 9 members interviewed for development of new treatment burden questionnaire. 3 Carers were also interviewed to help the development of a treatment burden for carers questionnaire. Helped test and validate resultant questionnaires.
Sept 2014 Drew attention to potential concerns that participants might have about questionnaire results being made known to GP practices
Sept 2014 Further feedback on patient questionnaires:
Suggested including the length of time required to complete questionnaire
Highlighting where questions asked about their GP practice, that answers were confidential and would not affect the care they receive.
Suggested other examples of social activities
Queried the use of the word ‘Chronic’ – changed to ‘Long term’.
Ways to improve formatting to help visually impaired eg spacing of boxes and shading to break up sections.
Sept 2014 5 members took part in focus group about usual care
6 Oct 2014 2 members attended Trial Steering Committee
Dec 2014 Helped with test-retest reliability of treatment burden questionnaire
5 Jan 2015 1 PPI representative attended the study Advisory group meeting
Mar 2015 Advised on revised patient information documents following pilot study.
Group felt strongly that patients who did not want to take part must be given a way to say so to prevent further contact otherwise it may be seen as harassment. This suggested need for active decline if removing the decline form
Suggested including a statement that patients were involved the design of the trial, to try to improve recruitment rates.
Mar 2015 1 member volunteered to help with analysis of qualitative patient data
23 March 2015 1 PPI representative attended the Trial Steering Committee
June 2015 PPI group had been asked general questions about how their conditions affect their life, what is difficult, what would help etc. Quotes were extracted to highlight the problems patients faced, to be used in the practice training sessions
June 2015 One PPI member volunteered to be video recorded in a mock consultation of a 3D nurse and GP review. This had been at the suggestion of the PPI representative on the TSC, and agreed amongst trainers and practice staff would be a useful resource.
Aug2015 1 member joined the CAPC steering group for PPI&E
29 Sept 2015 2 PPI representatives attended the Trial Steering Committee meeting
Oct 2015 Group provided suggestions about what CM should be asking in the interviews and focus groups with patients.
Oct 2015 Group also gave suggestions about what to look for in observing consultation reviews as evidence of patient-centredness. Eg. appropriate eye contact, opening and closing of review, open or closed questions, did their approach adapt to different patients?
22 Oct 2015 2 PPI representatives attended the study Advisory group meeting
Dec 2015 Group reviewed a Patient letter explaining the change in follow-up questionnaire timing (from 6 and 12 months, to 9 and 15 months). Wording clarified prior to submission as part of ethics amendment 10.
Feb 2016 The group reviewed the first patient newsletter. Those with visual impairments stressed the importance of text size and also where the contrast of text on coloured boxes made it difficult to read. Yellow text on dark blue background was preferred.
Feb 2016 Group reviewed the study website. Did not like the use of the word ‘managed’ and suggested replacing the main image with a photo of a female doctor with patient. Also suggested changes to headings, clarifying some words and definitions, highlighting where information needed updating, where navigation links were broken and PPI pages needed to be made more prominent.
Feb 2016 Total of 6 members took part in 2 focus groups to discuss opinions and experiences of medication reviews. This was to help shape a new sub-project about pharmacy reviews (led by PD).
April 2016 5 members offered to help with a goal setting project proposal led by CM.
May 2016 Group posed for photos to be used on the PPI pages of the study website
Further feedback on study website. Suggested links to other helpful or relevant websites (listed as Other Resources).
May 2016 Identified 2 members to assisting with analysis (checking coding and developing themes) of qualitative patient data
Sept 2016 5 members were video recorded having a discussion about the importance of the 3D study and why they got involved. Extract to be made publically available on the study website.
26 Sept 2016 1 member attended the Trial Steering Committee
Oct 2016 Group feedback on audio excerpts from GP consultations. Opinions and comments used to corroborate examples of good and poor patient centred care.
Oct 2016 Review of second patient newsletter. Photo from the group discussion (Sept 2016) used on the newsletter.
Jan 2017 Group discussion of patient focus group transcripts and patient case study to explore views of experiences and help to validate interpretation of qualitative data.
Jan 2017 Discussion of study dissemination plan. Suggested local and national organisations, charities and media that could be approached to disseminate study results.
Jan – March 2017 Several members expressed an interest in writing a research paper about their contribution of being part of a PPI group involved in research. 7 members provided personal views to key questions. 2 members collated and wrote a draft of emerging themes.
April 2017 Fed back on draft of paper about PPI experiences. Discussions of different motivations and acknowledging that patients, researchers and health care professionals all have different perspectives.
Expressed an interest to submit an abstract to the Involve conference.
April 2017 Provided suggestions on what information would be of interest to patients at the end of the study (for study patient newsletter).
28th April 2017 Abstract submitted for INVOLVE conference
May 2017 Abstract accepted for poster presentation at INVOLVE conference
June 2017 Results section of PPI in research paper written. Starting to develop discussion section of paper.
26 June 2017 Fed back on CM’s HSRUK conference presentation on the effect of the 3D template on patient centredness.
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure