nNOS (A) and α-sarcoglycan (B) expression at 2 weeks after 5 × weekly 120 mg/kg cocktail (2001MA) or 7 × weekly 200 mg/kg cocktail morpholino injections (2703MA) CXMD dogs. Recovery of nNOS expression at sarcolemma was observed by double immuno-fluorescence against dystrophin (DYS-1) and nNOS. Bar; 50 μm. By immunoblot (B), α-sarcoglycan levels are increased in treated dog muscles, compared to untreated dystrophic controls (NT). Myosin heavy chain (MyHC) shown as a loading control. WT; wild-type normal controls, WT(1/10); wild-type (1/10 diluted samples, i.e. 4 μg loaded), NT; non-treated CXMD muscles (tibialis anterior) ECU; Extensor carpi ulnaris, SCM; Sternocleidomastoid, BF; Biceps Femoris, TA; Tibialis Anterior, QUA; Quadriceps, SAR; Sartorius, GAS; Gastrocnemius, DIA; Diaphragm. (L) and (R) stand for left side and right side respectively.