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. 2018 Apr;8(2):146–155. doi: 10.21037/cdt.2017.12.02

Table 1. Demographic variables of participating cardiac care unit patients (n=50).

Characteristics N %
Age (years)
   ≤50 20 40
   51–60 10 20
   >60 20 40
   Male 34 68
   Female 16 32
Health-related major*
   Yes 6 12
   No 43 86
Educational level
   Intermediate or lower 13 26
   High school or technical degree 16 32
   University 21 42
Crowding index
   <1 person/room 29 58
   ≥1 person/room 21 42
Medical history
   Hypertension 34 68
   Dyslipidemia 27 54
   Diabetes mellitus 14 28
   Percutaneous coronary intervention 11 22
   Myocardial infarction 10 20
   Angina 10 20
   Congestive heart failure 19 38
   Coronary artery bypass graft 14 28
   Smoker 26 52

*, health-related major includes careers related to medicine, biochemistry, nutrition, food science, public health, and nursing.