Sensor characteristics |
Software |
Raw data |
Durability |
Anatomical positioning |
Report the precise anatomical positioning of sensors
Report signal reproducibility upon repeated putting on and taking off
Report considerations concerning positioning
Control for and describe potential interference
Study population |
Describe the target population
Specify inclusion and exclusion criteria
Generalize to other populations only with great care
Exercise protocol |
Describe conditions (eg, ambient temperature, altitude) in as much detail as possible
Investigate different forms of exercise (running, cycling, walking, moving freely)
Apply different intensities (lying, sitting, low and high intensity)
Confounders |
Report any potential confounding factors
Perform assessment in both controlled and real-life scenarios
Check for potential crosstalk between devices
Assessment of reliability |
Determine intradevice and interdevice reliability
Document intrasubject standard deviation
Report the coefficient of variation
Calculate the intraclass correlation coefficient
Recruit at least 50 participants
Report systematic bias
Assessment of sensitivity |
Assessment of validity |
Choose an appropriate criterion measure and assess the reliability of this measure as well
Perform linear regression analysis
Calculate Pearson’s product-moment correlation