Fig. 4.
MEG3 interacts with Clusterin and inhibites proliferation and metastasis. (A) The represent image of SDS-PAGE with precipitated proteins from MEG3 RNA pull down. Gel indicated by arrow was obtained for mass spectrometry analysis; (B) The represent image of western blotting for detection of LYAR and CLU in precipitated proteins from MEG3 RNA pull down; (C) The represent image of agarose gel for MEG3 detection in the precipitation from RIP by CLU antibody; (D) The represent image of EMSA to investigate the binding site of CLU protein in MEG3.MEG3 was truncated into four fragments: F1–F4; (E) Up-regulation of CLU by MEG3 over-expression (**P < .01); (F and G) The cellular proliferation, migration and invasion abilities of SW1116 cells transfected with CLU siRNAs (SW1116/si-CLU), SW1116 cells with MEG3 over-expression (SW1116/MEG3), SW1116 cells with MEG3 and CLU over-expression (SW1116/MEG3/CLU) and blank control cells detected by CCK8 (F) and trans well assays (G). The data are representative of at least three independent experiments.