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. 2018 May 15;9(3):247–262. doi: 10.1093/advances/nmy007


Summary of key studies on n–3 PUFAs and mitochondrial membrane structure-function1

Supplementation Organism/tissue Membrane alterations Functional endpoints Reference
Diet containing DHA at 2.5% total caloric intake for 10 wk Male Wistar rats/cardiac mitochondria ↑ Amount of DHA and displaced AA and LA ↓ In (18:2)4CL, no effect on respiration (125)
100 μM n–3 PUFA treatment for 72 h H9c2 cardiac myoblasts ↑ Highly unsaturated CL containing n–3 PUFAs ↑ High-molecular-weight CL and ↓ low-molecular-weight CL (137)
Fusion of mitochondria with 18:0/22:6 PC vesicles 4-wk-old male mice/liver mitochondria ↓ In DHA and viscosity ↓ RCI and membrane potential and ↑ proton movement (148)
10% Menhaden oil for 3 wk 2-mo or 21-mo CBA/ca female mice/liver mitochondria ↑ In EPA and DHA and ↓ in AA; DHA was primarily associated with PE and PC ↑ Age-related mitochondrial dysfunction (148)
DHA ethyl esters (2% of energy) C57BL/6 obese mice ↓ Formation of membrane domains ↓ In enzyme activity (150)
n–3 Complete: 2 g EPA and 1 g DHA/d for 12 wk Recreationally active men aged 22.7 ± 0.8 y/subsarcolemmal and intermyofibrillar mitochondria ↑ In EPA/DHA in PC and PE but not in CL ↑ Sensitivity to ADP and ROS but not in oxidant products (151)
Diet containing DHA or EPA at 2.5% total caloric intake for 8 wk Male Wistar rats/cardiac mitochondria ↑ EPA/DHA and ↓ AA ↓ Ca2+-induced opening of the MPTP and swelling (152)
11.5 g Menhaden fish oil/100 g for 2 wk Male Sprague-Dawley rats/colonic crypt mitochondria ↑ In unsaturation index of CL, PE, and PC ↑ ROS- initiated apoptotic cascade (153)
20% wt:vol Menhaden fish oil for 4 wk Male Sprague-Dawley rats/renal cortical mitochondria ↓ In OA, LA, and AA and ↑ in EPA and DHA ↑ In PLA2 activity and mitochondrial damage via ROS; ↓ in state 3 respiration and complex I (154)
15% (wt:wt) fish-oil or EPA and DHA pure ethyl ester diet for 2 wk Male Sprague-Dawley rats/colonic crypt mitochondria ↑ In EPA and DHA at the expense of AA and LA ↓ In membrane potential and ↑ in caspase 3 activity (155)
20% Fish-oil diet–12% tuna oil and 8% sardine oil for 12 wk Wistar male rats/liver mitochondria ↓ In viscosity ↑ Membrane potential, respiration, and complex V activity; ↓ complex III and IV activity (156)

AA, arachidonic acid (20:4); CL, cardiolipin; LA, linoleic acid (18:2); MPTP, mitochondrial permeability transition pore; OA, oleic acid (18:1); PC, phosphatidylcholine; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; PLA2, phospholipase A2; RCI, Respiratory Control Index; ROS, reactive oxygen species; (18:2)4CL, tetralinoleoyl cardiolipin; ↑, increase/increased; ↓, decrease/decreased.