Figure 2. Comparison of the time to treatment between subgroups among the full cohort. Only the factors that were different are displayed in the figure.
(A) Comparison between continuous (blue) and intermittent (red) rSE. (B) Comparison between patients with onset of rSE in hospital (blue) and out of hospital (red). The first row contains time to first BZD (x-axis truncated at 60 minutes for clarity), the second row time to first non-BZD AED (x-axis truncated at 120 minutes for clarity), and the third row time to first CIs (x-axis truncated at 600 minutes for clarity). *Statistically significantly different. AED = antiepileptic drug; BZD = benzodiazepine; CI = continuous infusion; rSE = refractory status epilepticus.