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. 2018 Mar 12;98(5):1489–1497. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.17-0218

Table 1.

Estimated parameters from time-series susceptible–infected–recovered–fit model where the seasonal effect α is a parameter fit by the model

Parameter Location Week 13 report—mean (95% confidence interval [CI]) Corrected Week 13 report—mean (95% CI) Week 17 report—mean (95% CI)
Basic reproduction number R0 N’Zoo 20.19 (15.93–24.96) 18.73 (14.55–23.57) 16.41 (12.56–21.07)
Foumbadou 11.09 (8.41–14.27) 14.61 (11.14–18.47) 15.69 (12.58–19.15)
Gueasso 13.38 (9.82–17.38) 17.50 (13.79–21.51) 11.64 (9.08–14.79)
Gama Berema 13.59 (9.72–17.93) 18.40 (14.48–22.44) 12.02 (9.52–14.76)
Kokota 15.80 (10.97–20.46) 15.11 (12.61–19.63) 16.28 (12.73–19.66)
Laine 18.48 (14.32–22.67) 19.56 (14.76–24.19) 17.16 (14.42–19.90)
Less than 1 year’s susceptibility N’Zoo 42% (25–63%) 31% (17–50%) 21% (13–33%)
Foumbadou 51% (37–68%) 37% (24–50%) 26% (19–35%)
Gueasso 37% (19–55%) 24% (10–39%) 15% (7–21%)
Gama Berema 36% (20–54%) 29% (16–44%) 18% (11–27%)
Kokota 45% (30–62%) 18% (0–38%) 10% (1–15%)
Laine 41% (24–60%) 33% (18–48%) 19% (11–30%)
1–5’s susceptibility N’Zoo 30% (25–35%) 29% (24–35%) 27% (22%–33%)
Foumbadou 26% (21–31%) 27% (22–32%) 23% (19–27%)
Gueasso 26% (21–31%) 28% (23–32%) 25% (20–28%)
Gama Berema 26% (21–31%) 29% (24–35%) 25% (21–29%)
Kokota 27% (22–32%) 27% (22–31%) 29% (24–35%)
Laine 29% (24–34%) 29% (23–34%) 27% (13–26%)
6–10’s susceptibility N’Zoo 18% (10–29%) 18% (9–30%) 19% (12–28%)
Foumbadou 9% (1–21%) 13% (1–24%) 15% (9–22%)
Gueasso 17% (9–27%) 19% (11–28%) 20% (15–27%)
Gama Berema 12% (2–23%) 12% (2–23%) 14% (8–20%)
Kokota 10% (0–22%) 19% (12–26%) 20% (15–27%)
Laine 15% (4–25%) 17% (6–27%) 19% (13–26%)
11–15’s susceptibility N’Zoo 8% (2–19%) 4% (0–10%) 6% (2–12%)
Foumbadou 8% (2–13%) 5% (2–10%) 8% (5–12%)
Gueasso 5% (0–13%) 3% (0–8%) 0% (0–1%)
Gama Berema 5% (0–13%) 3% (0–8%) 1% (0–5%)
Kokota 2% (0–11%) 1% (0–7%) 0% (0–2%)
Laine 6% (0–14%) 4% (0–9%) 2% (0–8%)
16+ susceptibility N’Zoo 3% (1–6%) 3% (1–7%) 2% (1–4%)
Foumbadou 1% (1–3%) 2% (0–5%) 1% (0–2%)
Gueasso 2% (0–4%) 2% (0–4%) 0% (0–1%)
Gama Berema 3% (1–5%) 3% (1–5%) 1% (0–3%)
Kokota 1% (0–3%) 0% (0–3%) 2% (0–3%)
Laine 2% (0–5%) 3% (0–5%) 1% (0–2%)
Seasonal effect α N’Zoo 0.31 (0.21–0.46) 0.33 (0.21–0.49) 0.45 (0.39–0.59)
Foumbadou 0.44 (0.32–0.56) 0.44 (0.28–0.57) 0.48 (0.34–0.59)
Gueasso 0.44 (0.31–0.56) 0.44 (0.31–0.56) 0.46 (0.33–0.57)
Gama Berema 0.45 (0.32–0.56) 0.44 (0.31–0.56) 0.45 (0.32–0.57)
Kokota 0.44 (0.32–0.56) 0.43 (0.31–0.53) 0.51 (0.34–0.58)
Laine 0.44 (0.32–0.56) 0.45 (0.31–0.57) 0.43 (0.31–0.55)
Reporting rate δ Foumbadou 8% (5–13%) 14% (8–27%) 20% (16–26%)
Gueasso 14% (8–25%) 32% (23–43%) 17% (14–22%)
Gama Berema 16% (10–26%) 36% (22–69%) 17% (13–22%)
Kokota 40% (5–100%) 6% (5–9%) 6% (5–9%)
Laine 7% (5–14%) 7% (5–12%) 6% (5–8%)

The final three columns describe which data were used to fit the model.