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. 2018 Mar 5;98(5):1444–1459. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.17-0762

Table 1.

Demographic data and infection status of index cases and associates

2014 2015
Index cases Associates Index cases Associates
N = 186 N = 298 N = 124 N = 86
Age in years, mean (SD) 20.6 (15.5) 35.3 (19.1) 28.0 (18.6) 38.8 (20.0)
Gender, % female 90/186 (48.4%) 195/295 (66.1%) 68/124 (54.8%) 58/86 (67.4%)
Temperature > 38°C 30/185 (16.2%) 2/290 (0.7%) 23/124 (18.5%) 0/86 (0%)
Fever in the prior 7 days 179/185 (96.8%) 33/285 (11.6%) 119/124 (96.0%) 3/83 (3.6%)
DENV infection
 Acute infection 75/186 (40.3%) 45/298 (15.1%) 24/124 (19.4%) 5/86 (5.8%)
 Recent infection 57/186 (30.6%) 61/298 (20.5%) 11/124 (8.9%) 6/86 (7.0%)
 Hospitalized 34/186 (18.3%) Not applicable 21/124 (16.9%) Not applicable
Other acute infections
 Chikungunya virus 0/152 (0%) Not applicable 53/123 (43.1%) 3/86 (3.5%)
 Zika virus Not applicable Not applicable 0/123 (0%) 0/86 (0%)

DENV = dengue virus; IgM = immunoglobulin M; NS1 RT = nonstructural protein 1 rapid test; SD = standard deviation. Characteristics of index cases and associates in 2014 and 2015: mean age (SD) and gender, febrile status, hospitalization status, and arbovirus infection status (DENV acute infection: NS1 RT, NS1 ELISA, or reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) positive; DENV recent infection: IgM positive and NS1 RT/NS1 ELISA/RT-PCR negative; chikungunya virus and Zika virus confirmed by RT-PCR).