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. 2018 May 15;13(5):e0197004. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0197004

Table 3. Results of multivariate general linear model analyses with the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s disease (CERAD) tests results as dependent variables and diagnosis as primary explanatory variable, while adjusting for age, sex and education.

Shown are the model-generated marginal means (SE) of the z-scores of all CERAD tests.

Controls A Nondeficit
Schizophrenia B
Deficit schizophrenia C Amnestic mild cognitive imairment D F df p Partial Eta squared
VFT 0.466 (0.093) B,C,D -0.162 (0.149) A,C -0.834 (0.149) A,B,D -0.102 (0.138) A,C 20.33 3/235 <0.001 0.206
BNT high 0.077 (0.108) -0.072 (0.173) -0.113 (0.172) -0.128 (0.159) 0.65 3/235 0.581 0.008
BNT medium 0.218 (0.096) D 0.025 (0.154) 0.057 (0.154) -0.134 (0.142) A 1.77 3/235 0.153 0.022
BNT low 0.140 (0.084) D 0.276 (0.135) D 0.096 (0.135) -0.251 (0.125) A,B 2.96 3/235 0.033 0.036
BNT total 0.194 (0.085) D 0.180 (0.135) D 0.070 (0.135) -0.238 (0.125) A,B 3.08 3/235 0.028 0.038
MMSE 0.247 (0.087) B,C -0.154 (0.139) A,C -0.698 (0.139)A,B,D 0.071 (0.128) C 10.88 3/235 <0.001 0.122
WLM correct1 +0.317 (0.094) B,C,D -0.364 (0.150) A,C -0.831 (0.151) A,B,D -0.028 (0.140) A,C 14.60 1/236 <0.001 0.157
WLM correct2 +0.354 (0.091) B,C,D -0.312 (0.145) A,C -0.919 (0.146) A,B,D -0.022 (0.135) A,C 18.76 1/236 <0.001 0.193
WLM correct3 +0.344 (0.086) B,C -0.311 (0.136) A,C -1.059 (0.138) A,B,D -0.022 (0.135) C 24.59 1/236 <0.001 0.238
WLM total +0.376 (0.086) B,C,D -0.365 (0.136) A,C -1.039 (0.137) A,B,D +0.003 (0.127) A,C 25.79 1/236 <0.001 0.247
WL True Recall +0.400 (0.090) B,C,D -0.069 (0.143) A,C -0.923 (0.144) A,B,D -0.188 (0.133) A,C 22.80 3/236 <0.001 0.225
WL False Recall -0.394 (0.090) B,C,D +0.052 (0.143) A,C +0.928 (0.144) A,B,D +0.190 (0.134) A,C 22.65 3/236 <0.001 0.224
WLRecCorrect +0.229 (0.102) C +0.026 (0.161) C -0.673 (0.162) A,B,D -0.064 (0.150) C 8.00 3/236 <0.001 0.092
WLRecNoCorrect -0.026 (0.109) +0.065 (0.173) -0.255 (0.175) +0.085 (0.162) 0.87 3/236 0.456 0.011
WLRec total +0.213 (0.102) C +0.065 (0.162) C -0.667 (0.163) A,B,D -0.064 (0.151) C 7.72 3/236 <0.001 0.089

VFT: Verbal Fluency Test. BNT: Boston Naming Test (BNT) with easy and highly frequency objects (BNT high), medium frequency objects (BNT medium) and low frequency objects (BNT low) and their sum (BNT total). MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination. WLM: Word list memory, with three Trials including Trial 1 (WLM correct 1), Trial 2 (WLM correct 2), Trial 3 (WLM correct 3) and their total (WLM total). WLRecall True: Word List Recall, Delayed, true recall. WLRecall false: Word List Recall, Delayed, false recall. WLRecCorrect: Word List Recognition Correct Yes response. WLRecNoCorrect: Word List Recognition Correct No response. WLRec total: World List Recognition total.