Figure 2. Maximum-likelihood phylogeny of RquA proteins constructed from an alignment of homologs from 166 organisms and 197 aligned sites.
Eukaryotic proteins are coloured based on their phylogenetic affiliations: Obazoa (purple), Stramenopiles-Alveolata (orange), Excavata (green), Amoebozoa (magenta) and Rhizaria (blue). Hexagons represent taxa where RQ has been detected experimentally. Proteobacterial designations (α,β,γ) are indicated in the grey squares. Genetic linkage of rquA and genes related to respiratory function (complex I-IV, cytochrome c metabolism, or heme metabolism) are shown with chain-links and detailed in Supplementary file 1. When these indications are in a collapsed node, the number of genomes showing linkage are shown in brackets. Bootstrap values (or posterior probability) greater than 70 (0.7) and 90 (0.9) are shown with open circles (squares) or closed circles (squares) respectively. The presence of spliceosomal introns in the eukaryotic sequences are indicated with ‘i' in a box. Dashed branches were made shorter by 50% to facilitate visualization.