Fig. 1. “Planned” Aerobic Training Prescription.
Illustration of the planned, standardized aerobic training prescription template delivered to all patients allocated to the aerobic training group. The intensity and duration of each individual session (i.e., dose) as well as the sequencing of aerobic training dose across treatment weeks is presented. The intensity of each session was conducted at one of five different doses depicted by the colored bars as a percentage of VO2peak: (1) black – 55%, (2) blue – 65%, (3) orange – 75%, (4) grey – 85%, and (5) red – 100%.. Black dots depict the planned duration of each session (mins), ranging from a minimum of 20 mins/session to a maximum of 60 mins/session including warm up and cool down. At the end of Week 12, the CPET was repeated to re-prescribe exercise intensity (green bar). The prescription template depicts the planned intensity, duration, and sequencing of sessions as per protocol without any dose modification or interruption.