Fig. 1.
Phylogenetic trees of the HA H1 (a), NA N1 (b), HA H3 (c), NA N2 (d), M (e), NS (f), PB2 (g), PB1 (h), PA (i), and NP (j) genes of the H1N1 and H3N2 influenza lineages. The unrooted trees were generated with the MEGA 7.0 program by using neighbor-joining analysis and reliability of the tree was assessed by bootstrap analysis with 1000 replications. Neighbor-joining bootstrap values ≥70 are shown at the major branches of the trees. The 12 trees were rooted to A/Brevig_Mission/1/18(H1N1). Viruses shown in black were downloaded from available databases. The isolates in our study were marked in different color, consistent with Fig. 2