Figure 6.
IL-36γ is significantly associated with ICC regardless of VMB after adjusting for age, BMI, ethnicity, and Lactobacillus dominance or Sneathia presence. β-coefficients of immune mediators that were not associated with (A) or associated with Lactobacillus dominance (defined as ≥80% relative abundance) (B,C). β-coefficients of immune mediators that were associated with Sneathia presence (defined as ≥0.01% relative abundance) (D,E). Dots indicate β-coefficients of linear regression analysis; error bars represent standard error (SE). Red and blue dots indicate positive or negative associations, respectively, that were significant compared to Ctrl HPV− after adjusting for covariates (P < 0.05). Venn diagram showing relations between VMB composition and associations of immune mediators with ICC and VMB composition (F).