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. 2018 May 15;8:7583. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-25922-7

Table 1.

Method-dependent uncertainty ranges of chromatic shifts.

Origin of Shift Methods
Calibration slide (beads) Calibration slide (biological) Cross-talk on demand Replicates on the coverslip Itself
3D alignment by Chromagnon 13–17 (14) 13–17 (14) 13–17 (14) 13–17 (14) 13–17 (14)
Dispersion of samples 6–440 (100) 6–30 (15) 6–700 (40) 6–30 (15) 0
Difference in coverslips 0–1000 (40) 0–1000 (40) 0 0 0
Difference in spherical aberration 0–225 (100) 0–225 (100) 0 0 0
Mechanical drifts 0–2000 (100) 0–2000 (100) ~0 ~0 0
Total 20–3682 (354) 20–3272 (269) 19–717 (54) 19–47 (29) 13–17 (14)
Recommended microscopy technique TIRFM, SMLM CLSM, STED, SIM WFM, SMLM CLSM, STED, SIM

Values are typical minimum-maximum (mean) values, expressed in nm, determined from all the data presented in this study. The origins of the shifts depend on the imaging methods and may not be applicable to certain microscopy modalities. Abbreviations: TIRFM, total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy; SMLM, single-molecule localization microscopy; CLSM, confocal laser scanning microscopy; STED, stimulated emission depletion; SIM, structured illumination microscopy; WFM, wide-field microscopy.