Chromosomal resistance mutations
Gene | Gene functiona | Mutant allele | Fitness cost (%)a,b | Resistance to the followinga: |
Resistance mechanism |
Reference(s) |
gyrAc | Gyrase | S83F | BDL | CIP | Target alteration | 51 |
rpoBc | RNA PM | S531L | 23 | RIF | Target alteration | 52 |
rpsLc | Ribosomal protein | K42N | 22 | STM | Target alteration | 53 |
fusAc | EF-G | P413L | 52 | FUS | Target alteration | 54 |
fmtc | Formyltransferase | T12R | 67 | ACT | Target bypass | 55 |
gidB | Methyltransferase | Q167* | BDL | STM | Target alteration | 56 |
ompRd | TF | Δ | BDL | MDR | Influx/efflux | 57, 58 |
marRd | TF | Q110* | BDL | MDR | Influx/efflux | 59 |
lond | Protease | Q137* | 43 | MDR | Influx/efflux | 60, 61 |
mgrBd | Autoregulator | Δ | BDL | Col | Influx/efflux | 62 |
pmrA | TF | G53E | BDL | Col | Influx/efflux | 63 |
acrR | TF | H115Y | BDL | MDR | Influx/efflux | 64 |
cysB | TF | Δ | 26 | MEC | Unknown | 65 |
Abbreviations: BDL, below detection limit (<3%); PM, polymerase; EF, elongation factor; TF, transcription factor; CIP, ciprofloxacin; RIF, rifampin; STM, streptomycin; FUS, fusidic acid; ACT, actinonin; Col, colistin; MEC, amdinocillin; MDR, multidrug resistance.
The value represents the fitness cost of the mutation in S. Typhimurium LT2, expressed as the relative exponential growth rate compared to the growth rate of the wild type.
These mutations were used to construct combinatorial sets of target alteration mutations.
These mutations were used to construct combinatorial sets of regulator mutations.