Fig. 10.
Functional analysis of the effects of immunization with α-syn oligomer and fibril antibodies in the open field in α-syn tg mice. Female α-syn tg mice were passively immunized once a week for 3 months starting at 6 months of age using one of five different monoclonal antibodies (Syn-O1, -O2, -O4, -F1, and -F2) or vehicle control. Vehicle-treated non-tg mice were included as a control group. (A) Total activity, as measured by the number of beam breaks, was significantly increased in vehicle-treated α-syn tg mice compared to vehicle-treated non-tg mice. Passive immunization with Syn-O1,-O4, and -F1 significantly decreased total activity in α-syn tg mice compared to vehicle-treated α-syn tg mice. (B) Rearing and (C) thigmotaxis were unaffected in any of the treatment groups. *p-value < 0.05 using ANOVA followed by Dunnett's post-hoc test comparing each group with vehicle-treated non-tg mice. N = 6 mice/group.