Round-trip time analysis of folding simulations (color online). (A) Extension trajectories for folding of a hairpin with the given energy landscape (inset) were simulated by assuming a constant force applied to the end of the hairpin, either directly or via a 400-nm radius bead attached to the hairpin by a handle of stiffness k. (B) A simulated extension trajectory in the absence of beads and handles is shown. Dashed lines indicate the locations of the unfolded (xu) and folded (xf) states. (C) The average round-trip times calculated from the trajectory in (B) with respect to reference points xf (black) and xu (red, inverted for ease of comparison) agree well. (D) The diffusivity profiles calculated from the round-trip times in (C) agree well for both choices of reference point (black: xf, red: xu), and recover the constant diffusion coefficient imposed in the simulation (cyan) except near the reference points. (E) After repeating the analysis for simulations including a stiff (black/gray: k = 1 pN/nm) or compliant (red/pink: k = 0.2 pN/nm) handle, the results for the two choices of reference point (black/red: xf, gray/pink: xu) are somewhat similar for the stiff handle but differ substantially for the compliant handle. The diffusivity profile is degraded only slightly for the stiff handle compared to the no-handle simulation but significantly for the compliant handle. (F) When the folding is simulated without handles while imposing a spatially varying diffusivity (dot-dashed line), the diffusivity profile is again recovered reasonably well for both reference points (black: xf, red: xu). Error bars represent SE. To see this figure in color, go online.