Fig. 1. Ancestral reconstruction indicates four origins of green blood.
(A) Transitions between red blood and green blood in Australasian lizards were summarized from 1000 stochastic character simulations on a fixed species topology. The phylogeny was estimated from a 70% complete sequence matrix from our ONE data set using an unpartitioned concatenated analysis in RAxML. Bootstrap values for all nodes are 100. Branches are colored continuously according to posterior probability (PP) support for red (PP = 1.0) or green (PP = 0.0) blood under our “mixed” model. Pie charts indicate proportion of character histories that reconstructed red or green blood as the ancestral state for the most recent common ancestor of all Prasinohaema species under each transition rate model: all rates different (ARD), equal rates (ER), irreversible (IR), or mixed. Values for the character rate matrix were either fixed at their maximum likelihood estimates (MLE) or sampled from a posterior distribution of rate matrices (MCMC). Pictures show the following green-blooded species: (B) Prasinohaema flavipes, (C) P. prehensicauda, (D) Prasinohaema semoni, (E) Prasinohaema sp. nov., and (F) Prasinohaema virens.