Figure 2. Genomic alterations and expression levels of key PI3K markers and signaling activities by different omic analysis of vehicle-treated PDX tumors.
A, copy number variation (CNV) and mutational status of PI3K pathway components from the whole exome sequencing data [12]. B, standardized expression levels of selected markers compared among the transcriptome (mRNA), global proteome (MS prot), global phosphoproteome (MS amino acid and site #), RPPA protein (RPPA prot), RPPA phosphosites (RPPA amino acid and site #) and kinome pulldown data (MIB). Selected PI3K markers show varying biology between different PDX tumors. Expression levels are z-scored. Both vehicle treatments (2 hours and 50 hours) are shown for each PDX tumor. C, a single sample gene set enrichment analysis for individual vehicle-treated tumors across all platforms shows enrichment for a selected set of gene-sets/pathways. Both vehicle treatments (2 hours and 50 hours) are shown for each PDX model. Good correlation for each PI3K marker and gene-set/pathway was observed between -omic types, with striking differences between the various PDX animals.