(a) QQ plot. LD diameter (nm) geriatric (y axis, blue) and adult (y axis, red) vs adult (x-axis). Geriatric and adult mice were ~ 115 and ~ 35 weeks old, respectively. Markers represent percentiles ranging from 5th to 95th percentile at 5% increments. Each percentile is represented as average ± SEM, n = 3 mice. (b) Significance plot from hypothesis testing of average adult and average geriatric LD size distributions. Color coded areas of significance are shown in the QQ lot, Part (a). A Wilcoxan Rank Sum test compared the percentiles of each distribution (for each 10% of the data set, Bins 1-9) from 1% to 99%. Each p-value was transformed by calculating −1.3-log10(P-value). This was done for ease of visualization, such that all P-values <0.05 are transformed as above 0 and all P-values that are >0.05 are transformed as below zero[47].