A modification to fix amniotic membrane layers in corneal ulcers and perforations (a–e). The corneal ulcer is cleaned, the surrounding epithelium is scraped (a), inlays are applied (b) and a corneal overlay is placed on top and fixed with a resorbable running suture (Vicryl 10.0) (c). A corneoscleral overlay is added and fixed with running resorbable 10.0 nylon (d). (e) The situation from the side, with asterisks depicting resorbable Vicryl 10.0 fixating the corneal overlay, and arrows representing non-resorbable nylon 10.0 to conjunctivally fixate the corneoscleral overlay. Case 1 (f–i). Photographs of the perforating corneal ulcer before treatment (f) and after microsurgery using the modified technique, with a contact lens in place (g). The situation at 8 weeks as seen on slit lamp photography (h) and on OCT (i).