Figure 1. Baseline and longitudinal changes in FDG- PET CMRglc as a function of MeDi adherence.
SPMs display (A) reduced baseline CMRglc in participants with lower MeDi adherence (MeDi−) vs participants with higher MeDi adherence (MeDi+), (B) CMRglc declines over 3 years in the MeDi− and MeDi+ groups, and (C) higher rates of CMRglc declines in MeDi− vs MeDi+ participants. Scatterplots show CMRglc changes in the MeDi− and MeDi+ groups. SPMs are represented on a color-coded scale (1 < z < 3, where z > 2 corresponds to p < 0.001) and displayed on a standardized MRI. Two participants did not complete the follow-up scan. Anatomic location and description of brain regions are found in tables e-1 and e-2 ( CMRglc = cerebral metabolic rate of glucose; FDG = 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose; MeDi = Mediterranean diet; SPM = statistical parametric map; SUVR = standardized uptake value ratios.