Fig 2. Mean household dietary diversity score across four agricultural seasons in Burkina Faso.
*Values are means (standard error, SE) of household dietary diversity score during each agricultural season in Burkina Faso. †Unadjusted means are from regression models that accounted for sampling design and repeated measures of households. Adjusted means are from regression models that further adjusted for the following covariates: household head’s age, gender and education; household size, travel time from household to nearest market, total food expenditures, wealth status (quintiles), income from remittances and off-farm activities, crop diversity, total crop production, total monetary value of crop sales, and crop production orientation; region of household location and rural or urban location of household residence. ‡Unadjusted and adjusted means were different across all seasons (P < 0.001 based on Tukey-Kramer test) except for adjusted means between the beginning of the lean season and the end of the lean season (P = 0.428).