Fig 3. Effect of BSA on glibenclamide stimulated insulin release.
Insulin secretion was evaluated in islets from 8–10 week-old male mice in response to 60–120 minute stimulation with various glucose and glibenclamide concentrations, as indicated, in the presence of (A) 15μmol/l BSA or (B) 0.9mmol/l BSA (n = 3 animals, 3 technical replicates per condition). Insulin secretion is expressed as a percentage of the insulin content. Insulin secretion in the presence of glucose and glibenclamide was significantly affected by the BSA concentration (F(5,12) = 10.77; p = 0.004). For both incubation times and for all drug concentrations tested, insulin secretion was significantly lower in the presence of 0.9mmol/l BSA than 15μM BSA (p<0.05).