RIT shown as a function of inferior retinal eccentricity and AMD group. (A) Mean RIT plotted as a function of eccentricity from the inferior retina and stratified by AMD severity group (see legend). Post hoc comparisons to group 0 by eccentricity: **P < 0.0001. Number of subjects with data at all eccentricities for 2-way ANOVA were group 0, n = 8, group 1, n = 7, group 2, n = 11, group 3, n = 6, SDD, n = 4. (B) Mean RIT plotted as a function of AMD severity group and stratified by inferior retinal eccentricity (see legend). Post hoc comparisons of RIT at 4°, 6°, and 8° relative to 12° by group; *P = 0.0015, **P = 0.0001; errors bars in both graphs indicate standard error of the mean (SEM).