Figure 1.
Simulated NSCLC tumor prior to treatment. (A) Lesion (center) is shown with surrounding capillaries (brown lines). Red: Viable (proliferating) tissue; blue: hypoxic (quiescent) tissue; brown: necrotic (dead) tissue. Existing capillary grid is denoted by regularly spaced lines, with vessels induced by angiogenesis, irregularly growing towards the tumor, attracted by angiogenic stimuli diffusing from the hypoxic regions. Host tissue (not shown) surrounds the lesion. (B) Pressure profile (non-dimensional values) corresponding to the growing tumor lesion, with highest values (red) in the proliferating ring and lowest values (blue) in the host. (C) Oxygen concentration profile (maximum value normalized by the concentration in vasculature) is determined by diffusion from the vasculature into the hypoxic and necrotic tumor regions. Bar, 250 μm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)