Human and mouse hnRNP L cryptic exons viewed in the UCSC Genome Browser (hg38, mm10). Human cryptic cassette exon (A), cryptic exon extension (B), and cryptic 3′ end exon (C). Examples of variability: a large cassette exon (D) and a cassette exon flanked by long introns (E). (F–H) Representative RTPCR gels showing splicing of hnRNP L repressed cryptic exons for both control JSL1 cells (cntrl) and JSL1 cells transfected with short-hairpin RNA against hnRNP L (shL). Splice graphs of each splicing event are shown to the left of each gel with the cryptic exon in gray, constitutive (upstream and downstream) exons in white, and intersecting alternative exons in black. The average percent inclusion of the cryptic exon (% cryptic) and standard error of the mean (SEM) for at least two replicates is shown (see Supplemental Fig. 1 for other examples). Mouse cryptic cassette exon (I), cryptic exon extension (J), and cryptic 3′ end exon (K). Genes displayed in UCSC views: RIF1 (A), SRC (B), MED12L (C), BCL11A (D), SH3BGRL (E), Usp16 (I), Lyl1 (J), and Iars2 (K).