Schematic illustration of the antimiR administration protocol. (A) An antimiR directed against miR-29a-3p (or a scrambled antimiR) was administered by injection (○) via the intraperitoneal (i.p.) route (25 mg kg−1) on the day of birth [postnatal day (P)1; ⋆] to newborn pups; or via either the i.p. (25 mg kg−1) or intravenous (i.v.; 25 or 100 mg kg−1) routes to pregnant dams on the 17th day of gestation, here denoted embryonic day (E)17. Organs were harvested (→|) on P1, P7, or P14. (B) The antimiR-29a-3p sequence corresponded to part of the seed sequence (contained within the dashed-line box) of the miR-29 family of microRNA, and as such, targeted all three miR-29 family members in mice: miR-29a-3p, miR-29b-3p, and miR-29c-3p. Nucleotide base mismatches comparing the three miR-29a family members are indicated with hollow letters. (hsa) Homo sapiens; (mmu) Mus musculus; (rno) Rattus norvegicus.