The impact of a directly injected antimiR directed against miR-29a-3p persists, but is slowly lost over the first fourteen days of postnatal life in mouse pups. Either a scrambled antimiR (closed circle, dotted line) or an antimiR directed against miR-29a-3p (closed diamond, solid line) was administered by intraperitoneal injection (25 mg kg−1) to newborn mouse pups on the day of birth. The (A) brain, (B) heart, (C) kidney, (D) liver, and (E) lung were harvested en bloc from mouse pups on postnatal day (P)7 or P14. The impact of antimiR-29a-3p administered at P1, on steady-state miR-29a-3p levels in these five organs was assessed at P7 and P14. The miR steady-state expression levels are described by the mean ΔCT ± SD. (n = 5–6 animals, per group; data points for each individual animal are omitted, for clarity), where ΔCT = CT(Rnu6) − CT(miR-29a-3p). Mean values were compared between the scrambled versus miR-29a-3p-specific antimiR-treated mouse pups by unpaired Student's t-test. (***) P < 0.001; (****) P < 0.0001.