AntimiR-29a-3p was detected in selected organs of pups born to antimiR-29a-3p-treated dams by in situ hybridization. AntimiR-29a-3p was administered (100 mg kg−1, via the intravenous route) to pregnant dams on gestational day 17. The antimiR-29a-3p was detected by in situ hybridization in the livers of offspring at postnatal day 7. Illustrated are liver sections from a dam (Mother) and from three different pups born to dams treated with either scrambled antimiR or with antimiR-29a-3p. AntimiR-29a-3p was detected with an in situ probe directed against antimiR-29a-3p, while a probe directed against the developmentally regulated miR-122 served as a positive control for the in situ hybridization reaction, and a scrambled in situ hybridization probe served as a negative control for the in situ hybridization reaction. A low-magnification view is illustrated for all samples from Pup 3, while higher-magnification views are illustrated for the dam (Mother), as well as Pup 1 and Pup 2. Black scale bars represent 2 mm, while white scale bars 400 µm.