(A) Comparison of original not processed vGluT1-pHluorin traces imaged at 40 Hz with the resulting signal after bleaching, background and noise corrections, at different Ca2+ concentrations and temperatures. The failure analysis used to quantify probability of release is exemplified. (B) Example of a fluorescence trace over time, before and after de-noising, of a negative control bouton from neurons pretreated with EGTA-AM 100 μM for 15 min in a 0 mM Ca2+ medium, and then imaged at 34°C with 0 mM extracellular Ca2+ and similar stimulation paradigm applied to the positive control group. (C) Cumulative histogram of probability of release measured at 34°C, for positive control boutons (2 mM extracellular Ca2+) and negative control group measured as described in B. The release probability of the negative control is <0.02, which corresponds to <15% of the mean release probability in the positive control group. Positive control: 418 boutons; Negative control – EGTA-AM: 120 boutons. All data are from 2 to 3 independent experiments. (D) and (E) Distribution of experimental noise amplitudes (empty circles) measured at 2 mM extracellular Ca2+ and 24°C or 34°C, respectively. Red lines: Gaussian fit. The noise distribution after de-noising is superimposed (grey histogram). Note the dramatic effect of the filtering in noise reduction. (F) Top: simulated fluorescence trace with a release probability of 0.5. Middle: simulated trace with added random Gaussian noise with an amplitude of ~75% the amplitude of the signal (to properly simulate real experimental traces). Bottom: recovered trace after de-noising, note that most of the fusion events are recovered with minimal morphological alterations. (G) Comparison of cumulative histograms of dwell times for the original simulated trace (before adding noise, shown in black) and for the recovered simulated trace after de-noising (shown in red). Insets: corresponding Tukey plots of dwell times and probability of detection. (H) Relative proportion of different types of simulated events (with no dwell, with a dwell followed by retrieval – including fast and ultrafast events –, with no retrieval – similar to ultra-slow endocytosis –) before (original simulated trace) and after de-noising (recovered), showing similar distribution. Note the presence of <15% contribution of false detection or false positives (yellow). For G and H. Data from two independent simulations with 100 boutons (traces) and 47 events per simulation.