Reading frames, transcription, and translation of ECs2384, the overlapping gene ano and its mother gene ECs2385. (A) Definition of reading frames of the overlapping gene ano (frame –3) and its mother gene ECs2385 (frame +1). ano (pink arrow) overlaps the C-terminal part of ECs2385 (blue arrow). Green: putative start codon of ano, red: stop codon of ECs2385. (B) Visualization of RNAseq and RIBOseq reads of the ano/ECs2385 region with the upstream ECs2384. Using the genome browser Artemis, strand-specifically mapping reads of the growth condition LB at 37°C are shown (not to scale, since not all reads are shown). Both annotated genes, ECs2385 and ECs2384, are shown in blue, the overlapping gene ano is highlighted in pink as well as the reads mapping to ano in the upper panel. All three genes depicted show transcription and translation signals, although to a very different extent. (C) Relative mRNA-levels of ECs2384 and ano. Transcription levels were determined by qRT-PCR under the following conditions: 0.5×LB aerobically, OD600 of 0.5, and 0.5×LB anaerobically, OD600 of 0.5. The mRNA level of ECs2384 under aerobic conditions was set to 1 and used as reference. The experiment was performed in three biological replicates.