Odor response patterns in ORN axons and PN dendrites change after odor offset. (A) Correlation analyses of two 1-butanol (ButL) responses show that both odor and post-odor response patterns were reproducible and stable (high correlation values within the block during the odorant stimulation and within the block after odor offset), but dissimilar to each other (low correlation values when comparing odor response period to post-odor response period). Correlation values were defined as being significant when p < 0.005 and are color coded (color scale bar, right). Non-significant values are shown in gray. Purple and blue frames mark the time window used to calculate the time-resolved correlation, shown in (B). (B) Time-resolved correlation between the odor response pattern (marked by the purple square above the graph) and the post-odor response pattern (marked by the blue square) of a 1-butanol response across all time points of another 1-butanol response (purple and blue traces, respectively). The odor response pattern breaks down at odor offset in both, ORN axons (left) and PN dendrites (right) and is dissimilar to the post-odor response pattern, which evolves at odor offset. Mean ± SD obtained by bootstrap analysis (on animals, 1000 times). (C) Correlation of the odor response patterns between different odors. Odorant responses are reproducible (compare ButL 1 with ButL 2). In ORN axons, different odorants evoke more similar odor response patterns (e.g., EACE vs. ButL 1 and ButL 2) than in PN dendrites (right, with fewer high values at off-diagonal locations). See methods for odorant abbreviations. (D) Correlation of the post-odor response patterns between different odorants. Post-odor response patterns are less correlated between different odorants than odor response patterns. Post-odor responses are more reproducible in PN dendrites than in ORNs (compare ButL 1 with ButL 2). (E) Correlation of odor response patterns with post-odor response patterns for each odor. The odor response patterns are not correlated with the post-odor response patterns (there is no increase in correlation along the diagonal) See Materials and Methods for number of flies and glomeruli.