Figure 1.
Phylogenetic tree of the SKINT1 subfamily. SKINT1 subfamily sequences were retrieved from the NCBI database (WGS and nr databases) using the mouse Skint1 sequence as a query. Deduced amino acid sequences of SKINT1 subfamily proteins were aligned, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed using the MUSCLE and neighbor-joining programs implemented in MEGA7, respectively. The distance matrix was obtained by calculating p-distances for all pairs of sequences. Gaps were excluded using the pairwise-deletion option. The reliability of branching patterns was assessed by bootstrap analysis (1,000 replications). Pseudogenes are indicated by φ and shown in red. Nodes supported by bootstrap values over 80% are indicated by open circles. Skint7 to Skint11 genes of mice are not shown as they are the members of the SKINT7 or SKINT9 subfamily.