FIG 5.
Plots showing the correlation between the DNA quantity measured by the cycle threshold (CT) generated by qPCR, a universal primer/barcode test targeting the 18S of plants and fungi, and the number of OTUs (a) and the total number of sequences (b). Each color represents the three replicates of each of the samples. The codes indicate the technical procedures used in this paper. For type of trap: PJ, petri dish coated with a mix of petroleum jelly and Vaseline; W1, Whatman filter no. 1; W1g, Whatman filter no. 1 sprayed with a sticky layer; W3, Whatman filter no. 3; W3g, Whatman filter no. 3 sprayed with a sticky layer. For spore recovery protocol: G, grinding; R, rubbing; S, shaking. For DNA extraction kit: mnM, NucleoSpin plant II kit; mnQ, DNeasy plant minikit; mxM, NucleoSpin plant II maxikit; mxQ, DNeasy plant maxikit.