Table 1.
Number of bases called differently, with higher coverage when mapping to the shiver reference than to the real reference | Min | 0 |
Median | 13 | |
Mean | 16.8 | |
Max | 57 | |
Number of bases called differently, with higher (or equal) coverage mapping to the real reference than to the shiver reference | Min | 0 |
Median | 0 | |
Mean | 1.2 | |
Max | 24 | |
Extra length of the shiver consensuses compared with the real reference’s consensus (in number of bases) | Min | −54 |
Median | 205 | |
Mean | 239.4 | |
Max | 1,262 |
Minima, medians, means, and maxima are over the combined set of sixty-five Miseq and fifty Hiseq samples processed. Means are rounded to one decimal place.