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. 2015 Nov;24(4):S798–S814. doi: 10.1044/2015_AJSLP-14-0127

Table 2.

Effect sizes (ES) for individual treatment targets.

Primary study Meta-analysis participant no. Treatment target Treated items
Untreated items
Treatment phase ES Follow-up phase ES Treatment phase ES Follow-up phase ES
Wambaugh, Kalinyak-Fliszar, et al. (1998) 1 /z/-initial one- and two-syllable words 5.82 a 8.57 a 13.57 11.26
1 /ʃ/-final one- and two-syllable words 4.90 a 1.22 a 11.94 1.50
1 /ʤ/-initial one- and two-syllable words 7.24 9.80 4.44 6.01
2 /ʃ/-final one- and two-syllable words 5.61 6.49 4.67 5.66
2 /r/-initial one- and two-syllable words 9.67 7.00 9.10 19.68
2 /sw/-initial one- and two-syllable words 5.71 4.75 7.54 8.61
3 /ʧ/-initial one- and two-syllable words 5.96 3.91 3.47 1.21
3 /ʃ/-final one- and two-syllable words 2.17 0.94 4.46 0.16
3 /z/-initial one- and two-syllable words 3.37 26.08 4.01 20.79
Wambaugh, West, et al. (1998) 4 Stops, all positions, three- to five-word sentences 6.94 6.83 9.01 8.21
4 Fricatives, all positions, three- to five-word sentences 6.81 6.60 5.86 8.60
4 Glides/liquids, all positions, three- to five-word sentences 4.44 2.40 3.34 2.47
Wambaugh & Cort (1998) 5 /b/-initial one-syllable words 12.50 11.26
5 /ʤ/-initial one-syllable words 6.33 5.49
5 /d/-initial one-syllable words 2.12 1.92
5 /g/-initial one-syllable words 2.19 2.42
Wambaugh et al. (1999) 6 /p/-initial one-syllable words 15.17 16.50 16.50 16.50
6 /k/-initial one-syllable words 24.06 18.00 a 17.13 17.50
6 /ʃ/-initial one-syllable words 14.00 8.00 a 6.74 a 4.00 a
Wambaugh (2004) 7 /v/-initial one- and two-syllable words 15.17 15.50 8.98 9.80
7 /r/-blends–initial one- and two-syllable words 2.92 7.35 1.89 5.20
8 /ʃ/-syllable–final one-syllable words in two-word phrases 5.81 5.81 5.48 7.57
8 /z/-syllable–initial one- and two-syllable words in two-word phrases 4.82 3.35 2.77 –0.77
Wambaugh & Nessler (2004) 9 /s/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 19.16 16.21
9 /p/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 8.13 a 5.93 a
9 /v/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 3.06 a 0.95 a
9 /k/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 6.48 a 5.93 a
9 /ʃ/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 3.42 a 7.28 a
9 /ʤ/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words –0.17 5.93 a
9 /l/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 8.12 4.03
9 /m/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 1.65 2.78
9 /n/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 6.21 5.41
Wambaugh & Mauszycki (2010) 10 /b/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 8.96 11.34 3.82 a 5.48 a
10 /s/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 2.18 a 5.79 a 3.39 a 2.74 a
10 /l/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 7.75 7.38 3.82 a 7.30 a
10 /m/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 6.37 2.51 3.31 –0.73
10 /d/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 4.36 a 4.14 a 2.12 a 1.83 a
10 /f/-initial one-syllable CV(C) words 10.37 a 11.57 a 5.94 a 7.30 a
Wambaugh et al. (2013) 11 /s/-initial four-syllable words (IB) 13.06 8.19 3.39 2.99
11 /ɪ/- and /ɛ/-initial three-syllable words (IR) 4.15 3.13 0.90 3.90
11 /r/-initial four-syllable words (TR) 12.66 5.78 4.27 4.65 a
11 /ɑ/-, /æ/-, /i/-, or /o/-initial three-syllable words (TB) 6.69 5.86 0.86 3.96
12 /θ/-initial or final two-syllable words (IR) 8.27 4.87 2.88 4.24
12 /ʃ/-initial or final two-syllable words (IB) 8.81 6.86 3.83 3.32
12 /z/-initial or final two-syllable words (TB) 8.45 3.82 1.60 –0.32
12 /ʤ/-initial or final two-syllable words (TR) 4.00 7.10 1.27 1.29
13 /sw/-initial one-syllable or /θ/-final two-syllable words (TR) 14.68 a 15.65 a 0.50 a 2.98 a
13 /sm/-initial one-syllable or /ʃ/-final two-syllable words (TB) 25.50 a 11.18 a 4.00 a 4.47 a
13 /bl/-initial one-syllable or /z/-final two-syllable words (IB) 23.18 8.65 2.67 7.45 a
13 /fl/-initial one-syllable or /ʤ/-final two-syllable words (IR) 22.45 7.45 a 7.00 a 2.98 a
14 /θ/- or /br/-initial three-syllable words (TB) 10.71 7.75 1.82 2.24
14 /z/- or /gl/-initial three-syllable words (TR) 5.07 9.20 2.20 0.38
14 /st/- or /t/-initial three-syllable words (IR) 7.55 3.02 4.24 3.56
14 /ʃ/- or /sk/-initial three-syllable words (IB) 5.89 8.35 3.61 4.20
Wambaugh et al. (2014) 15 /pr/-initial three-syllable words 4.14 3.75 3.28 0.30
15 /ks/-medial three-syllable words 8.03 6.82 2.53 4.02
15 /gl/-initial three-syllable words 3.05 3.99 –0.42 0.30
15 /nd/-medial three-syllable words 3.83 6.61 0.40 1.49 a
16 /z/-final one-syllable words 21.67 16.38 5.80 5.80
16 /st/-initial one-syllable words 9.87 5.20 4.78 1.82
16 /f/-final one-syllable words 7.18 10.47 6.45 8.30
16 /gl/-initial one-syllable words 9.68 a 8.20 a 5.64 a 5.45 a
17 /ʤ/-initial one-syllable words 9.76 9.02 4.02 4.02
17 /sm/-initial one-syllable words 15.58 a 12.94 a 5.68 a 3.88 a
17 /θ/-initial one-syllable words 15.06 a 6.47 a 4.54 a 1.49 a
17 /gl/-initial one-syllable words 16.70 10.22 3.18 2.29
18 /f/-final one-syllable words 11.43 4.49 9.57 a 2.43 a
18 /sm/-initial one-syllable words 13.70 11.07 8.22 8.22
18 /bl/-initial one-syllable words 10.95 a 12.02 a 8.93 a 4.26 a
18 /p/-final one-syllable words 20.01 16.74 8.00 7.00
19 /gl/-initial two-syllable words 8.72 a 12.19 a 8.27 a 8.57 a
19 /kw/-medial two-syllable words 12.17 10.89 3.51 3.51
19 /θr/-initial two-syllable words 9.77 a 11.29 a 13.30 11.97
19 /st/-medial two-syllable words 6.77 11.32 7.75 4.19
20 /θr/-initial two-syllable words 19.62 15.30 9.54 7.38
20 /gl/-initial two-syllable words 8.11 2.18 6.66 3.78
20 /sn/-initial three-syllable words 6.60 a 7.91 a 15.75 4.69 a
20 /kw/-initial three-syllable words 4.10 6.66 3.79 10.02
Wambaugh et al. (in press) 21 /θ/-medial three- and four-syllable words (B) 6.57 7.18 1.22 1.98
21 /s/-blends initial three- and four-syllable words (B) 4.02 4.02 0.00 a 0.00 a
21 /br/-initial or medial three- and four-syllable words (R) 5.58 4.75 1.56 2.56
21 /l/-medial three- and four-syllable words (R) 3.79 8.50 0.41 1.79
22 /st/-initial four- and five-syllable words (R) 7.43 10.08 3.35 2.09
22 /tr/-medial four- and five-syllable words (R) 9.66 8.98 –0.50 –0.07
22 /θ/-medial four- and five-syllable words (B) 2.47 6.68 2.47 6.68
22 /fl/-initial and medial four- and five-syllable words (B) 4.86 a 5.71 a 1.99 a 3.12 a
23 /st/-initial three- and four-syllable words (B) 7.57 a 9.05 a 1.60 a 1.47 a
23 /ʤ/-medial three- and four-syllable words (B) 8.82 7.81 2.36 2.36
23 /gl/-initial three- and four-syllable words (R) 10.00 8.57 0.16 0.67
23 /θ/-medial three- and four-syllable words (R) 10.25 14.67 0.77 5.73
24 /kw/-medial four-syllable words (R) 14.14 2.71 1.53 1.53
24 /br/-medial four-syllable words (R) 9.26 3.78 0.00 a 1.89 a
24 /fl/-medial four-syllable words (B) 12.22 4.19 1.71 a 0.00 a
24 /sp/-medial four-syllable words (B) 5.35 7.19 1.06 3.80 a

Note. Em dashes indicate necessary phase data not collected in the original study. CV(C) = consonant–vowel or consonant–vowel–consonant syllable structure; IB = intense blocked; TR = traditional random; IR = intense random; TB = traditional blocked; B = blocked; R = random.


No variance in the original data; used variance from other baselines from the same participant.