Postinfection administration of MAb to PNAG reduces conjunctival PMN infiltration due to S. pneumoniae (D-39 and ATCC8) and S. aureus (LAC) after 48 hours of conjunctival infection in A/J mice. A total of 10 μg of control IgG MAb or MAb to PNAG were injected into the conjunctiva 4, 24, and 32 hours postinfection in mice infected with S. pneumoniae D-39 or ATCC8 or S. aureus LAC. Control MAb-treated mice showed a large infiltrate of inflammatory cells and obvious edema in conjunctival areas, whereas mice treated with MAb to PNAG had only low levels of inflammatory cells and little edema. Arrows point to site of injection in the conjunctiva. Green bars: 10 μm. Boxed areas, when shown, indicated magnified area.