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. 2015 Mar 24;138(5):1271–1283. doi: 10.1093/brain/awv063

Table 3.

Associations between the SLC6A3 rs3836790 genotype (Int8 VNTR) and changes in the severity of gait disorders during l-DOPA treatment

Parameter Condition 5/5 or 5/6 (n = 28) 6/6 (n = 33) P*,†
Number of steps in the SWS
OFF 33 (28–53) 34 (27–40)
ON 34 (25–42) 25 (20–28)
Difference (%) 9.2 (–4.6–29.7) 27.6 (17.2–34.3) 0.001/<0.001
SWS completion time, s
OFF 23 (19–58) 25 (18–34)
ON 19 (15–33) 15 (11–19)
Difference (%) 10.2 (4.8–32.4) 42.1 (18.9–56.6) 0.002/0.001
Number of freezing of gait episodes during the freezing of gait trajectory
OFF 7 (5–12) 6 (4–10)
ON 5 (2–10) 2 (1–5)
Difference (%) 11.8 (0.0–57.3) 50.0 (25.0–83.3) 0.005/0.005

Data are reported as the median (interquartile range) values in the OFF and ON conditions and the difference between the two. *In a Wilcoxon test; In a non-parametric covariance analysis adjusted for the dose of l-DOPA. SWS = Stand-Walk-Sit Test.