Fig. 1.
Overview map of the coring sites and breeding colonies of little auk, Qoororsuaq (Søkongedalen—SD1), Annikitsoq, Great Lake—GL-3 and Kuukkat (Robertson fjord—RF1), Qeqertaq (Salve Ø—NOW5a) thick-billed murre (Saunders Ø—SI-1) and common eider Booth Sund—BS-1 and Iterlassuup Qeqertaarsui (Three Sister Bess—TSB-2). For the latter two species, colony sizes are given as number of breeding pairs. Colony data come from Boertmann and Mosbech (1998) and The Greenland Seabird Colony Register, maintained by Danish Center for Environment and Energy, Aarhus University, and Greenland Institute of Natural Resources. The estimated date of arrival is the median cal. ka years bp calculated from 14C dates and age modelling (see “Materials and methods”)