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. 2016 Mar 10;27(3):2095–2110. doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhw065

Table 1.

Common and specific functional connectivity of the 5 MACM-CBP-derived clusters across tasks (MACM) and rest (RSFC)

Region Overlap with cytoarchitectonic area x y z Cluster size
Common to all clusters
 Tasks and rest
  Central cluster R NA 32 −3 57 107
  Left PMd (central cluster's homotope) L NA −33 −8 55 50
  SMA/pre-SMA L NA −8 5 51 58
R NA 5 8 49 13
R NA 6 4 64 10
 Tasks only
  IPS L hlP3i −34 −50 51 663
R hlP2/hlP3d,i 39 −47 50 189
  Broca's area R Area 44a 54 9 28 305
L Area 44a −53 6 31 256
  Thalamus R Prefrontal thalamusj 12 −14 7 191
L Prefrontal thalamusj −11 −16 7 171
  Anterior insula R NA 36 23 1 165
L NA −34 23 1 162
Basal ganglia R Pallidum/putamen 19 3 3 23
 Rest only
  Rostral and ventral clusters R NA 26 −3 55 1369
  Right somatosensory-cortex/supramarginal gyrus R Area 2c/Area PFtl 50 −32 48 301
Specific to rostral PMd
 Tasks and rest
  Left homotope L NA −27 9 52 332
  Middle frontal L NA −40 29 33 166
  Middle frontal R NA 30 8 42 1272n
33 21 42
44 48 20
48 36 24
Fp1b 30 58 10
  MCC R NA 7 26 42 19
  Inferior parietal/IPS R hlP1/hlP2d 42 −57 41 498
L −38 −58 41 389
  Precuneus R NA 8 −62 50 63
 Tasks only
  Inferior frontal gyrus L NA −38 14 37 1071
R NA 32 29 −7 134
 Rest only
  Inferior temporal gyrus R NA 62 −34 −18 601
L −57 −54 −15 160
  Precuneus L NA −6 −58 45 629
  Cerebellum L Lobule VIIag −38 −65 −37 519
R 34 −62 −33 100
  Medial temporal lobe R Subiculum 29 −32 −18 318
  Fusifurm gyrus R NA −30 −40 −14 193
Specific to caudal PMd
 Tasks and rest
  Primary motor R Area 4pe 34 −26 60 1492o
  Cortex L Area 4pe −36 −29 60 535o
Left homotope
  SMA/Midcingulate cortex R NA 8 −10 50 153
L −5 −16 53 67
  Cerebellum L Lobule VI/Vg −18 −57 −20 350
  Parietal operculum R Area OP1/OP3h 47 −21 20 78
  Frontal operculum R NA 44 −3 14 16
 Tasks only
  Putamen R NA 31 −6 −1 66
  Thalamus R Prefrontal/premotor thalamusj 14 −19 8 60
  Posterior insula R NA 43 1 12 44
 Rest only
  Parietal operculum L Area OP3/OP4h −42 −21 18 366
Specific to central PMd
 Tasks and rest
  IPS/superior R Area 7Ai/Area7PCi/hlP3i 26 −58 57 405
  Parietal lobule L Area 7Ai/Area 7PCi/Area 5li −28 −56 61 335
Area 7Ai −19 −75 44 71
−14 −67 58 33
  Left homotope L NA −25 −8 56 553
 Tasks only
  Fusiform gyrus R Area FG1/FG2k 38 −68 −12 65
  Somatosensori area L Area2c/Area 3be,f −38 −36 48 13
 Rest only
  Inferior parietal lobule R Area2c/Area PFtl/Area PFopl 35 −41 48 1656
L −34 −44 47 1848
  Middle occipital gyrus L NA −23 −76 32 136
R 29 −74 34 112
  Broca area L Area 44a −52 6 29 133
Specific to ventral PMd
 Tasks and rest
  Superior temporal R NA 59 −41 12 49
  Left homotope L NA −46 −4 48 356
Tasks only
  Visual cortex R hOc5m 50 −66 5 68
 Rest only
  Inferior frontal R Area 45a 46 17 23 1277
  Gyrus L −44 17 25 355
R NA 43 34 −7 259
  Posterior middle R NA 60 −44 8 660
  Temporal gyrus L NA −58 −51 10 355
Specific to dorsal PMd
 Tasks and rest
  Left homotope L NA −8 4 64 126
  Inferior frontal gyrus/insula R NA 49 10 3 105
L −49 7 2 85
  Putamen R NA 25 11 2 55
  MCC R NA 10 10 40 22
 Tasks only
  Broca's area L Area 44a −52 10 3 505
R Area 44/45a 55 15 6 325
 Rest only
  Middle frontal gyrus R NA 27 48 24 511
L −30 46 22 468
  Anterior cingulate cortex L NA −8 18 31 496
R 9 20 30 462
  Cerebellum L Lobule VIIag −42 −54 −33 139
  Pre-SMA R NA 9 24 60 59

Note: NA, not assigned to any known probability map/not applicable.

bBludau et al. (in press).

nThe region is part of the local connectivity of the rostral PMd itself (1083 voxels).

oThe region is part of the local connectivity of the caudal PMd itself (1765 voxels) in the right hemisphere or its left-side homotope in the left hemisphere; CBP, Co-activation-based parcellation; MACM, meta-analytic connectivity modeling; RSFC, resting state functional connectivity; PMd, dorsal Premotor Cortex; IPS, intraparietal sulcus; SMA, supplementary motor area.