(A-D) Liver. (A) Duct proliferation (brown) at DoL 15 (case 1, 100X, anti-CK7). (B)
Reactive ducts/ductules (red) at DoL 30 (case 6, 200X, anti-CD56). (C) Bridging fibrosis
(blue) at DoL 21 (case 4, 100X, trichrome). (D) Canalicular bile plugging (arrow) at DoL
24 (case 5, 400X, H&E). (E-F) Biliary remnants. Areas of left (E) and right (F)
hepatic duct tissue devoid of large, epithelial-lined ducts at DoL 16. Some small duct
branches with epithelial cells loss, distorted lumens, and circumferential fibrosis are
seen (arrows) (case 2, 100X, H&E). Bar=100 uM.