Fig. 2. Photoreceptors and mitochondrial distribution in primate retina.
(a,b) Distribution of cones (c) and rods (r) in the human retina, relative to the optic nerve. Cone density increases in the macula and peaks in the fovea. (c) Macaque retina stained for cytochrome c oxidase (COX) or Na + K + ATPase, markers of mitochondria or areas of higher energy consumption in the retina. Inner segments (IS of photoreceptors strongly express both markers. NFL: Nerve fiber layer, GCL: ganglion cell layer, IPL: Inner plexiform layer, INL: Inner nuclear layer, OPL: Outer plexiform layer, ONL: Outer nuclear layer, IS: inner segment, OS: outer segment. (d) Cone inner segments (CIS) contain much larger and more densely packed mitochondria than rod photoreceptor, by electron microscopy. Figure modified, with permission, from (Curcio et al., 1990; Kageyama and Wong-Riley, 1984; Wong-Riley et al., 1998).