March 1996 |
Grant application development |
Jan 1997 |
HCFA letter of support for CREST group |
Feb 1997 |
1st NIH grant application submitted |
Sept 1997 |
1st NIH grant application review |
May 1998 |
Revised grant application submitted to NIH |
May 1998 |
Negotiations with device companies |
July 1998 |
2nd NIH grant application review |
Jan 1999 |
Grant awarded |
May 2000 |
HCFA withdraws support |
June 2000 |
Executive order for HCFA participation in clinical |
trials |
August 2000 |
HCFA support reinstated |
December 2000 |
First patient enrolled |
March 2001 |
HCFA decision for modification of noncoverage |
policy |
July 2001 |
Effective date for HCFA reimbursement policy |