reticulata and Swezeyana
tentaculata 5th instar immatures. A–G, M
reticulata: A detail of dorsal lanceolate setae with inflated and ridged bases anterior of eye B detail of dorsal sub-marginal lanceolate setae with inflated and ridged bases on margin of wing pads C detail of tubercles on margin of abdomen, and marginal narrow, blunt sectasetae D detail of dorsal tubercle bearing small simple setae, and small lanceolate setae with greatly inflated and ridged bases on surrounding surface E lateral view showing arrangement of dorsal tubercles, open arrows indicate position of thoracic and abdominal tubercles typically more darkly pigmented F dorsal view, open arrows indicate position of thoracic and abdominal tubercles typically more darkly pigmented G anal ring H–L, N
tentaculata: H dorsal view, open arrows indicate position of thoracic and abdominal tentacles typically more darkly pigmented, inset detail of marginal pointed sectasetae I anal ring J, K detail of dorsal sub-marginal long, simple setae with narrowly inflated and ridged bases, K also shows different pigmentation for 1st and 2nd tentacle on abdomen margin L detail of long tentacle with simple setae towards the apex and a pair of small simple setae apically, and longer slightly capitate rod setae towards the base and on surrounding surface M tarsus and antenna (similar for both species) N red-brown S.
tentaculata immatures found along the midribs on undersides of leaves among the red-brown leaf trichomes.